Return the item in the same condition you received it in - pack it well. Be sure to note shipping deadlines and whether an item can be returned for refund, replacement, or exchange. Check the listing's return policy before making your purchase. Ship it back: You'll be issued a packing slip and shipping label. Select your reason: Depending on the seller's return policy, we may put you in touch with them directly. Start your return: In My eBay, find the item under Purchase history, then in More actions, choose Return this item. Learn more about the perks of shopping eBay Refurbished. Only a select group of eBay sellers can participate in the program, and we monitor their performance to ensure they live up to the highest standards of customer service. #TARGUS DRIVERS ACP 110US 50 FOR FREE#
Learn more about eBay refurbished warranty coverage.ĮBay Refurbished items can be returned or replaced for free within 30 days of receiving them. So you're covered in the event your item breaks or malfunctions. Industry-leading Warranty and 30 day returns Included in Every PurchaseĮBay has partnered with Allstate to include an award winning warranty in every box. The item includes original or new accessories and will come in a new generic packaging. It is fully functional and has been professionally refurbished, inspected and cleaned to good condition by qualified sellers.
Good Refurbished: The item shows moderate wear and is backed by a one year warranty. The item includes original or new accessories and will come in new generic packaging.
It is fully functional and has been professionally refurbished, inspected and cleaned to very good condition by qualified sellers.
Very Good Refurbished: The item shows minimal wear and is backed by a one year warranty. It has been professionally refurbished, inspected and cleaned to excellent condition by qualified sellers. Excellent Refurbished: The item is in like-new condition, backed by a one year warranty. The item will be in new packaging with original or new accessories. It has been professionally inspected, cleaned, and refurbished by the manufacturer or a manufacturer-approved vendor to meet manufacturer specifications. Certified Refurbished: The item is in pristine, like-new condition, backed by a two-year warranty. Because everyone should be empowered to get the exact products they want in the right condition at the right price so their dollars go further. eBay offers the best value on the biggest selection of refurbished products from exceptional sellers with warranties as good as or superior to what's offered on brand-new products. Smart shopping with eBay RefurbishedĮBay Refurbished is your budget-stretching secret weapon. Our large variety of inventory allows you to find the specific tablet you need to accomplish the tasks you need to do whether on the go or from the comfort of your bedroom. Whether you need a 16GB tablet for light usage, or a 128GB tablet for some serious storage, we have you covered by connecting you with sellers who have the right tablet for the right person. Browse by brand, storage size, or by the hottest deals, and find the tablet youve been dreaming of ever since you tried to type a lengthy email on your small phone screen. Our selection of tablets covers everything from inexpensive tablets for those on a budget, to powerhouse tablets that will satisfy even the most ardent of tech-lovers. The best part? Tablets are more affordable then most laptops, and are often cheaper than the latest smartphones while still providing a bigger screen and a faster processor. Need something to make that long flight seem to fly by?Ī laptop may be too cumbersome for tight airline seats and may run out of power before you land, but a tablet will let you keep up with work (and keep you entertained) for the entire flight without showing you that dreaded "low battery" warning travelers hate so much. #TARGUS DRIVERS ACP 110US 50 WINDOWS#
Whether youre a die-hard Apple fan and need the latest iPad, or are in love with Windows and crave the newest Microsoft Surface, you can save big by shopping either new or used from our large selection of sellers.
We sell all the leading brands of tablets and eBook readers, including Samsung, ASUS, LG, and Acer. If youve been craving the perfect all-around device you can carry with you wherever you go, a tablet is sure to satisfy. The perfect synthesis of size and power, modern-day tablets are speedy enough for virtually all your day-to-day Internet needs but can still fit comfortably in the side pocket of your backpack, briefcase, or purse. When a laptop is too large and your phone screen is just too small, the tablet is the right choice for you.